OrgMapper provides two primary options for collecting data:



PASSIVE collection of data through the creation of an electronic interface with existing internal company-wide communication methods such as e-mails; calendars; yammer etc to reveal real time and longitudinal organisational network data. This enables mapping of employee networks between an organisation’s business units with regard to projects and processes and helps dismantle silos and promote collaboration.

This approach can be used for the purposes of Collaboration or Feedback. Please contact us if you want to find out more about OrgMapper | EXCELLENCE



ACTIVE collection of data via an 18 item questionnaire taking approximately 15 minutes to complete. This provides a ‘point in time’ assessment (c.f. Employee Engagement surveys) and enables the identification of an organisation’s most influential peer-elected employees who can help drive organisational change and internal communication initiatives.

This approach can be used for assessing influence for Change or within Teams.

While the underlying intent of both tools – understanding and leveraging networks in organisations – is similar, OrgMapper | INFLUENCE is quicker, easier and cheaper to implement. To learn more, click below.