In her 2012 book “The End of Leadership”, Prof. Barbara Kellerman explored the Leadership Industry and whether Leadership development programs generate the returns they promise – given the hefty investments made by organisations.

The results were far from positive.

Nearly a decade on, her recent book “Professionalizing Leadership” further indicts the leadership industry and goes further, suggesting that leadership should become a profession akin to medicine or law requiring rigorous study and standardised criteria and qualifications.

Whether or not you agree with this premise it is unlikely this will become the norm in the near future. In the absence of such a structured approach to the development of leaders a hotchpotch of standard off-the-shelf leadership programs are still readily available for purchase.

We do not subscribe to an off-the-shelf approach.

While standard leadership development programs provide some value – especially at the entry and mid manager level – we believe that every leader and every organisation’s needs are unique. As such we don’t provide a long list of programs we can offer. Our approach instead is to adopt a strongly customer centric approach where we will Discuss, Design and Deliver a bespoke solution that meets the unique needs of YOUR leaders.

Leveraging our existing pool of associates and other deep content experts in our extended networks, we develop and deliver programs that generate lasting change and add genuine value – to both the leader as well as the organisation.